The EMMETT Technique impacting lives

We love hearing from happy clients about how the EMMETT Technique has improved their quality of life, however, we wish to stress that the technique DOES NOT treat illnesses, diseases, syndromes or medical conditions. It is a relaxation technique that can create some surprising results!  The following client stories are in their own words and are published with their permission. Each individual is unique and the response they experienced with the technique may not be representative of the population as a whole.

Valerie had a significant posture change
Valerie had a significant posture change
Valerie had a significant posture change

With just one EMMETT Technique move, Valerie had a significant posture change. Thank you for allowing us to use your photos.

EMMETT Technique helps me to walk with confidence

I have benefited from EMMETT Therapy since April and have found that in this relatively short time, my problems have become easier to live with. Having been diagnosed with Parkinsons, I was finding balance a real issue and walking about unsteady. With this help every five weeks, I feel so much better in myself. My core stability has been restored and I can walk around with much more confidence. The pain I had experienced over a long period of time in my arm has also significantly reduced.

In my opinion, I do not believe that tablets alone would have had this effect. I think my general feeling of well-being is due in no small measure to my EMMETT treatments. It is not easy to put into words the benefits I have experienced, but I believe I now have a better means to cope with my condition, thanks to the energy and feeling of wellbeing that this treatment promotes. It is great to find something that has a good effect from the outset without quickly wearing off. If you feel better in yourself you can find the determination to face what life throws at you.

Julia TM, Devon

I was so amazed by my horse’s reaction

My 16.2hh thoroughbred gelding Rex had spent 19 days in an equine hospital, recovering from acute lymphangitis. Nearly two months after the incident, although the wounds were much healed, there was still significant residual swelling on the affected leg – plus, as an ex-racehorse, I was keen for an EMMETT Practitioner to give him an overall check-up.

I was so amazed by my horse’s reaction, moving from initial wariness to actively asking them to continue the treatment within a matter of minutes. The practitioner's gentle, quiet manner, unending patience and clear love of horses shone through and quickly earned him the respect of this particular equine client!

This was stage one of our treatment, but I could see the swelling diminish on my horse’s leg and his movement of the affected joint was much improved. Best of all, it was patently evident that this was a treatment that Rex not only benefitted from physically but one which he enjoyed! I can’t recommend The EMMETT Technique highly enough.

For me, it’s a no-brainer to now include EMMETT Technique as part of Rex’s ongoing health maintenance programme.

Carla Wessel

EMMETT Technique releases my lifelong shoulder pain and restriction

I’m a 46-year-old woman and I have suffered with back problems as long as I can remember. I have had lower back pain and a slight scoliosis. I had round shoulders with very limited movement in my upper spine my shoulders were so tight. I felt trapped in my own body. I have had endless treatments and therapies to alleviate pain and to help loosen the tight muscles over the years. Massage, Alexander technique, Shiatsu, reflexology, osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors, and MRI scans and even back rehab. Nothing gave me the release I longed for. Until now…. with one astonishing EMMETT Technique session. I had heard some amazing stories and felt quite skeptical but decided to experience it for myself anyway. Words cannot truly describe how I felt. What I didn’t expect was a complete change in my body physically to look at as well as the freedom in my muscles to move in a way I had never been able to move before. I had a complete emotional and physical letting go. I had never experienced any thing like it. My shoulders are visibly different, they are relaxed and not rounded forward as before – this happened instantaneously. When I left I felt like a different woman, I walked with my head held high with a straight spine, it makes ones outlook on life so different. I was more grounded, balanced and strong in my body. I know it sounds corny but I felt I could take on the world. The freedom in my shoulders is so incredible I went home and shouted from the roof- tops to family and friends who thought I had gone crazy.  It was one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced.

Beverly Dunn Clark. Surrey

My dog is back to his normal self

My dog Widget received an EMMETT treatment. He has been calmer and has spent most of the day sleeping but he did manage to jump onto the sofa unaided, which he hasn’t managed to do for a while. He is walking in a straight line, which he hasn’t done before. He drank a lot of water and has been out to relieve himself all seems well.  Widget has been much better even playing with his old chum Arely (Labrador) he is more like himself.  Arely’s owner noticed how much straighter Widge was walking. He is stretching out with his back legs as terriers do, which he hasn’t for a while.


EMMETT Technique resolved my sciatic pain when nothing else did

I have suffered with a tight right buttock muscle for several years, which gets worse during long car journeys and develops into sciatic pain that can last several days. In the last 6 months I have noticed when riding my dressage horse that I am unable to correctly use my right leg without increasing the buttock pain and the right hip feels very weak when I get off. I have had a range of treatment for this but with very limited results. Last weekend I attended Modules 1& 2 of the Emmett practitioner training. I volunteered to be the demo body for the EMMETT points for “tight buttock muscles”. While the EMMETT points were rather tender I felt an immediate release. The drive home that evening caused no sciatic pain. The drive to the second day did cause the muscles to tighten but still no sciatic pain. The Instructor repeated these points on me and now 8 days later I have had no buttock tightness and no sciatic pain. I have also found I can ride my horse in a more correct body position. To get rid of my “pain in the bum” was alone worth coming on this course.

Tracy Morgan, McTimoney Chiropractor

EMMETT Technique got me running the London Marathon

I started training for the London Marathon in mid November 2010. Having been experiencing some hip pain, I went to the Doctors to get the all clear and x-rays confirmed nothing was amiss. My training was going really well until the Kingston Breakfast run 3 weeks before the marathon. I ran 17.5 miles that day and ended up with terrible pinching in my right hip. I could barely walk for days. The Doctor referred me to a sports physician privately and from there on for aggressive physio on my psoas. 2 weeks prior to the marathon I still had severe back pain, to the point that I could not sleep and could barely move. I was in agony. Luckily, a friend referred me to an EMMETT Practitioner a week and a half before I was due to run the marathon. The results were instantaneous. I got most of my mobility back and the pain subsided enormously. A second treatment 4 days before the marathon gave again immediate results – I was completely pain free and I had full mobility back. After a test run of 3 miles I realised that I would actually be able to give the marathon a shot! The miracle is not just how effective this treatment is but also that it could endure someone running 26 miles! The day itself was an emotional experience – it was truly incredible, but it brings tears to my eyes typing this due to the wonderment of this therapy and I feel so incredibly lucky and grateful to have found this amazing treatment. I still can’t believe how something that is so subtle and non-invasion can have such incredible results.

Sarah, Surrey

I released my own heel pain with the EMMETT Technique

I had had bilateral achilles/heel pain for 3 years before I came across EMMETT and relief from this painful, tedious condition. I have seen Doctors, consultants , physiotherapists for this condition over the years and nothing had helped. Not even resting as the condition returned as soon as I resumed my normal role as a fitness instructor. With EMMETT my feet/legs had a strong release as all the tension just drained away. The procedure, self administered for several weeks, gave me a marked improvement in pain and movement. With regular maintenance I am now pain free.

Wendy Hamilton, Body Control Pilates Instructor and Personal Trainer

EMMETT Technique gave my neck more freedom

I have suffered with pain in the left side of my neck going down into my shoulder for years. Having had all sorts of treatments over a long period I didn’t have much hope of the treatment being successful, especially as the physio I saw told me it was age-related arthritis and nothing could be done. After just one treatment my pain disappeared completely. I can now fully turn my head from side to side with no pain. I was also treated for face pain and pain behind the eye. The improvement is amazing!

Pauline, Leicestershire

EMMETT Technique put my ankle right

My left ankle becomes weak and painful very easily. I have seen physios and a podiatric surgeon and followed their advice. The best answer has been to rest it. The last time, I waited 8 weeks for it to heal but then attended a Pilates class where I was lifting my weight onto my toes, and the next day my ankle was bad again. My Pilates teacher treated me with the EMMETT technique the following week. I then built up my distances for walking with occasional twinges and 3 weeks later I was absolutely better and walking up to 7 miles.

Ann Hutt, Surrey


Terrific training!

Thank you for a terrific Module 3. Really looking forward to Module 4 and will gets lots of practice in… Read more “Terrific training!”

I was so amazed by my horse’s reaction

Tony came to treat my 16.2hh thoroughbred gelding Rex after he had spent 19-days in an equine hospital, recovering from… Read more “I was so amazed by my horse’s reaction”

It’s all fitting together nicely!

Thank you for four inspiring days on EP1 & 2, in Birmingham.  My mind and body are still processing all… Read more “It’s all fitting together nicely!”

Results that just blow your mind

I would like to thank you for an amazing and informative course a couple of weeks ago. I am now… Read more “Results that just blow your mind”

Horses Course

Catherine After a few nudges from the Universe, I made contact with Tony for further information on Emmett 4 horses… Read more “Horses Course”

Still no drugs

Still no drugs and back at work, everyone stunned at the recovery,and so quick 1 of our nurse prescribers came… Read more “Still no drugs”

I love the simplicity of EMMETT

I have been using the EMMETT Technique for 2 years now in my practice as a body therapist. I love… Read more “I love the simplicity of EMMETT”

EMMETT is a valuable part of my everyday practice

The EMMETT Technique is a valuable part of my everyday practice in treating patients. The general feedback I get from… Read more “EMMETT is a valuable part of my everyday practice”

Thank you. I no longer walk like a crab!

I just want to thank you so much for your treatment that day a couple of weeks ago. You worked… Read more “Thank you. I no longer walk like a crab!”

EMMETT has provided me with precision, purpose and meaningful treatments

Ross Emmett’s Technique is the quickest most effective treatment out there. By incorporating it into my existing disciplines clients invariably… Read more “EMMETT has provided me with precision, purpose and meaningful treatments”

I feel empowered!

What can I say? A superb course that has released so much within me and empowered me to help others… Read more “I feel empowered!”

Better than sex !

Just saw the lady with the locked jaw. She says she has not been able to open her mouth very… Read more “Better than sex !”

What amazing results!

I have been a massage therapist for 12 years. Integrating the EMMETT Technique using Ross’ theory, application methods with massage… Read more “What amazing results!”

EMMETT had immediate effect on my neck!

I am a deep tissue massage therapist and am also qualified in other forms of massage, Reflexology, and Reiki. I… Read more “EMMETT had immediate effect on my neck!”

I’ve had amazing results!

I thank you so much for allowing me this opportunity!!  It was such a good course. I had amazing results… Read more “I’ve had amazing results!”

Wow! So pleased with what I’ve achieved after Modules 1&2!

Thank you for all your care, attention and support during Modules 1 & 2 of the training. I really enjoyed… Read more “Wow! So pleased with what I’ve achieved after Modules 1&2!”

The pain went away and has not returned

One of my patients had a persistent pain in the side of his leg that had resisted several attempts at treatment… Read more “The pain went away and has not returned”

My pain level had dropped to around two out of ten

I originally booked on a one-day introductory horse course with Tony Sherry. I don’t ride so it was more to… Read more “My pain level had dropped to around two out of ten”

Minor injuries can be resolved straight away with no break in training

The use of EMMETT Therapy has hugely enhanced the outcome of my treatments of clients with MS, stroke and Parkinsons… Read more “Minor injuries can be resolved straight away with no break in training”

“Fantastic weekend course”

Really just wanted to say thank you for a fantastic weekend. I got so much out of it and enjoyed… Read more ““Fantastic weekend course””

Outstanding success combining EMMETT with Pilates

The EMMETT Technique is the most valuable ‘tool’ in my ‘tool box’! It works perfectly with my Pilates practice and… Read more “Outstanding success combining EMMETT with Pilates”

I only planned to attend Modules 1&2… now I’ve completed EP6!

I started my EMMETT Practitioner Training, in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, in February 2015. I only planned to attend Modules 1&2… Read more “I only planned to attend Modules 1&2… now I’ve completed EP6!”

Discomfort is radically reduced

I see a lady for Personal training who has fibromyalgia and is in pain most of the time. Since I… Read more “Discomfort is radically reduced”

It’s good stuff!

2 good results this morning: – a regular patient with bad fibromyalgia having trouble abducting arms. ACJ moves worked brilliantly,… Read more “It’s good stuff!”

Your patience is exceptional

Thank you- lovely course as always and your patience is exceptional! Sylvia, Senior Physiotherapist

Emmett can help both the horse and the rider at the same time

“I stumbled upon Emmett4Horses and Tony Sherry by chance while looking at equine massage courses and signed up for the… Read more “Emmett can help both the horse and the rider at the same time”

Couldn’t believe the results

I’ve had Emmett therapy several times over the years, for all sorts of ailments by Sue a lady in Congleton,… Read more “Couldn’t believe the results”


This stuff is incredible!

I’m still blown away with what I learned at the EMM-Tech course. This stuff is incredible. I’m implementing it into my… Read more “This stuff is incredible!”

I was “blown away”

I came to know the Emmett Technique almost by accident as an EMM-Tech day had been organised by my Body… Read more “I was “blown away””