There is growing excitement about the results that the EMMETT Technique creates and this has inspired research to document its effectiveness. Currently a number of research projects are underway in Australia and around the world.
Changes in Self-reported Pain Scores Following a Single EMMETT Technique treatment (written 2020, scheduled to be published in Positive Health Online, Issue 267, Jan 2021)
58 staff members at a London teaching hospital were given a 15 minute EMMETT Technique treatment within the hospital setting by Senior EMMETT for Animals Instructor and former NHS Adult Intensive Care Nurse, Tony Sherry. All participants reported significant improvement following treatment. Click here to read the full article.
EMMETT at the 2017 Cairns to Karumba Bike Ride
179 riders, 780 km, and only 5 EMMETT Therapists for support. This research data was collected from 922 EMMETT treatments. Shoulder issues were the most problematic area for the riders; the average pain scale score of 4.8 “before” reducing to 1.4 “after” an EMMETT treatment. Click here to read the results across other areas of the body.
EMMETT at the 2016 Cairns Cardiac Challenge
This data was collected from 214 bike riders, spectators and supporters at the Cardiac Challenge, Cairns, Queensland, using a smartphone app to measure the range of movement before and after EMMETT moves were applied. The improvements shown as a result of the EMMETT Technique were significant, especially the hamstring changes and neck rotation (SCM). Click here to read the protocol used and the results.
'Degrees of Difference' EMMETT project at the 2015 Cairns Cardiac Challenge
A small group of EMMET therapists followed 250 riders, 333km from Cairns to Cooktown over 3 days to offer their support. This data was collected using a smartphone app to measure the range of movement before and after EMMETT moves were applied. The improvements shown as a result of the EMMETT Technique were significant. Click here to read the protocol used and the results.
EMMETT Technique at the Mareeba Garden Settlement Aged-Care Facility
Care Home residents received EMMETT Technique for their balance – 86% improved! Click here to read the results.
EMMETT Technique verses the Foam Roller. EMMETT wins!
BSc Honours student Victoria Sharp submitted this research as part of her degree at Queens University Belfast. Rugby union players were separated into 3 groups: EMMETT Technique, foam roller and control. Significant increase (70%) in range of movement was shown when using the EMMETT Technique, and the foam rolling was shown to have NO significant impact. Click here to read the full report.

There is an increasing number of magazines both online and offline publishing articles about the EMMETT Technique.
International Therapist Magazine (FHT)
Click here to read a copy of the EMMETT Technique Self-Help for Neck Tension article, published in International Therapist, Issue 119 (Winter 2017), page 42, the membership magazine of FHT.
Live to 100. Dr Hilary Jones Health Magazine
The painful joints feature of the Autumn 2016 edition of the magazine features the EMMETT Technique by invitation. Dr Hilary’s team were wowed at Camexpo by the simplicity and effectiveness of the EMMETT Technique and approached us to provide a feature to run alongside Dr Hilary Jones Painful Joints article – of course, we obliged. Click here to read Dr Hilary’s Painful Joint feature. Click here to read about the EMMETT Technique published alongside the feature.
Holistic Therapist Magazine
Course Diary article written by Naomi Walker, published April 2016. Click here to read Naomi’s experience of attending an EMM-Tech Course. She works as a journalist and Reiki practitioner.
Massage World Magazine
Catherine Stone attended Modules 1&2 of the Emmett Practitioner Course. Click here to read the full article in Issue 91 2016.
Irish Massage Therapists Association (IMTA) Magazine
Case Study showing the effectiveness of The EMMETT Technique using Posture Pro Analysis. Click here to read the full article.

Abdominal Pain Case Study
Compiled by EMMETT Therapist Mariette Lobo in March 2016. Click here to read the full details.
Neck Pain / Headache Case Study
Compiled by EMMETT Therapist Barbara Ellis in April 2016. Click here to read the full details.