Additional EMMETT Technique training is offered to those who have achieved EMMETT Practitioner status. These “advanced” workshops really take the EMMETT Technique to a whole new level. The releases taught are the developments Ross has made since first putting together the Modular course.
There are 6 levels of EMMETT Professional (EP) training: EP1 – EP6.
Each level is taught over 2 days and costa £340 / €400 and £170 / €200 for repeaters.
EP’s are generally scheduled with an interval of 2 – 4 months.
At EP6 a written and practical assessment is offered and a Certificate of Proficiency is awarded when a pass is achieved. This qualifies the participant as an Advanced EMMETT Technique Practitioner. Assessment is optional. A Certificate of Attendance is provided where the participant is not assessed. EP workshops are attended in numerical order.
What can I look forward to learning:
Approved version 2014:
- The Spinal Balance – to integrate the spine for clear communication and stability. Where there is a lack of focus and clarity.
- Oesophagus Release Sequence for abdominal pain after eating. Also assists pain under the sternum, reflux, and breathing restrictions.
- Atlas-Axis / Third eye integration.
- A move to release deep seated hamstring pain and sciatic pain into the leg.
- Bowel and kidney moves to add to the Lymphatic drainage sequence.
- A move for deep deltoid pain.
- Further combinations and cross body moves using Command keys for unwinding and addressing pain and trauma.
- Further jaw work.
- Piriformis / QL combination for lower back cramp and deep seated hip joint pain.
- Neck / vertebra release for deep neck pain which has not responded to other releases.
- Back cross over sequence for uneven shoulder height and twisted hips. Very helpful with scoliosis.
- Further use of the chest – jaw points to improve hearing loss.
- Gracilis move for deep inner thigh pain.
- Achilles – heel pain sequences.
- Further use of the popliteal and knee reflex points with ankle points to free up ankle joint restrictions.
- Crossovers for acute and unresponsive knee pain.
- Hearing – for improvement.
- PSIS Pain – for deep seated pain in the sacral joint.
- Omohyoid / 45 – for deep pain in the lower neck and upper shoulder that other moves are not releasing.
- Levator Scap X Piriformis – for tightness and cramp and twist in hips. Very helpful with scoliosis.
- Sight – Chest / Neck – to improve vision loss and blurry vision.
- Adductor Magnus / Upper Sacral Notch – move for dragging / dropping inner pelvic and lower abdominal pain.
- Sternum / Thoracic – for discomfort deep in the chest and feelings of emptiness.
- Spinal Tap with Conception Balance – to create whole body relaxation.
- Lats / Traps – for mid-back restriction and cramp.
- Wrist Pain – for pain on flexion and extension of the wrist, restriction extending the fingers.
- Ankle Pain – for deep pain in the ankle joint, for sharp pain in the lower leg on walking.
- Combination Suggestions – suggested useful possible sequences.
- Lower Back Compression – for pain in the lower back on the action of rising or sitting.
- Oblique Attachment & 12th Rib – for side cramping, assists pelvic floor weakness.
- SCM Crossover – for neck restriction with pain at the upper attachment of the SCM.
- Frontal Headache – for headaches at the base of the occiput radiating to above the eye.
- Jaw Release Combinations – for jaw restriction, jaw tension, facial tension, temporal headaches, head congestion.
- Elbow Pain – pain in the elbow when extending and flexing the arm and when reaching out to pick something up.
- Arm Pain – for isolated pain in the biceps, forearm or wrist, or pain radiating all the way down the arm from shoulder to wrist.
- Toe Flexibilty – for lack of flexibility and agility in toe movement, inability to grip with the toes.
- Ankle Flexibilty – for lack of mobility and flexiblity around the ankle joint.
- Shin Pain – for shin pain, extreme sensitivity at the Sartorius Point.
- SI Joint Releases – for deep pain radiating from the SI joint into the hip or upper thigh.
- Upper Thigh Release – for deep pain the thigh.
- Gracilis – for ridigity in the gracilis and restriction behind the knee.
- Patella Crossover – to clear restrictions from around the patella.
- Upper Soleus Release – for deep cramp in the soleus and upper calf tension.
- Foot Instep Pain – pain in the instep which orginiates from the lower back.
- Broad Back Release – to release the upper back and shoulders, including latissimus dorsi and trapezius.
- Teres Minor Overstrain – for pain in both the pecs and teres minor when moving the shoulder forward.
- Upper Scapula Pain – for persistent deep pain above the spine of the scapula.
- Subscapularis Release – for pain deep underneath the armpit.
- Bent Arm Raise – for difficulty raising a bent arm for eating, etc.
- Additional Omohyoid Release – for pain / tension deep to upper traps along superior border of scapula.
- Deep Pain around the ASIS – for deep pain around ASIS and difficulty lifting knee when standing.
- Anterior Tibialis Pain
- Instep Pain Combinations – for pain in the instep orginating from the lower back.
- Abdominal Cramp – for cramping in abdominal area, and below the rib cage and into the ribs.
- The Handshake – for additional information of problematic areas.
- Summaries of Omohyoid, Jaw, ASIS, Gracilis, Pec Minor and Back Crossover moves.